Thursday, January 22, 2015

Friends Season 2

Here is my live watching notes of Friends Season 2. It was a pretty good season. I enjoyed the multiple episode plot lines with Joey on Days of Our Lives, Monica dating Tom Selleck and getting fired, and yeah, even Ross and Rachel. The Superbowl episode was kind of gimmicky, and overstuffed with special guest stars. The normal roster of supporting characters is pretty strong.

In Power Rankings news, they're down there somewhere, and not much changed between that episode and season's end. Speaking of those supporting characters - there might be a "Friends Secondary Character Power Ranking" in the future. Eliot Gould is in the catbird seat.

The One With Ross' New Girlfriend
No Cold Open! New Intro!
We still have Ross' sad slow motion big suit dance.

And we're back at the airport.

Chandler's hair is all different, I'm scared.
oh Phoebe gave all the dudes haircuts


Dudley Moore ~ Demi Moore
And Phoebe keeps ownin' it
Why is Chandler wearing a bowling shirt for another person, is he a 90's hipster?

The One with the Breast Milk
Monica has a really nice pencil sketch of an avocado hanging in her kitchen.

"If he blows into one, does the other get bigger?"
The Hombre man looks like a horrible nightmare gimp suit.


Joey is the White Hombre.
Emily Proctor as Annabelle!!!

The One Where Heckles Dies
Hahaha, Janice impersonations

Oh god they killed Heckles.
Phoebe doesn't believe in evolution?

Heckles saw Joey as "the italian guy" , Chandler as "his gay roommate".

Phoebe trolling Ross is the best.
Janice is back and she's pregnant and married! Yay!

The One With Phoebe's Husband
Rachel owns trying to catch this bird.
What, Steve Zahn?!

Phoebe used to live with Monica?

"The underwear out there is yours from when you were having sex with Fun Bobby out on the terrace!"

Chandler has a third nipple
"I can't believe you. You told me it was a nubbin!"
"Joey was in a porno movie!"

Their table at Central Perk is always reserved. I wonder if they actually reserve it, or if they're just GIGANTIC ASSHOLES.

"You know, that's bad for the paper tray"

"How can you be straight? You're so smart and funny and throw great Academy Awards parties!" - Phoebe is the best.

The Ross version of the (500) Days of Summer scene is so obnoxious.

The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant
Yes they're mocking midget WWF wrestling, I LOVE IT

"Bob here."


Another Three's Company joke
Topical! It's Ebola

Hootie and the Blowfish. That's the joke
There was a long shot of a Cigar store with "Gay vacations" right above it

Monica made out with a blowfish.

The One With the Baby on the Bus
I hope Ross dies

The One Where Ross Finds Out
"Hey Bing, racquetball in 20 minutes!"

"When I first met you, the first thing I said to Chandler, great butt, awesome rack"

Damn, Jennifer Aniston is really good, she's carrying the Ross/Rachel stuff on her own.

The One With the List
12MB of Ram, 500MB Hard drive, built in spreadsheet, 28kbps modem

Whoa, Michael McKean could be Monica's boss.
Chandler just offered to play Doom.

"Spock actually hugs his father?" Star Trek commentary

Well if this ends with Ross with nobody, I'm okay with it.
I thought I couldn't hate Ross more until he dedicated a U2 song to Rachel.

The One with Phoebe's Mom
Ugly Naked Guy is decorating the tree.

The ending twist with Joey was nice.

The One with Russ
Oh geez, Fun Bobby is an alcoholic, he's the most depressing character.

Holy shit Chandler jamming his hand into the cookie jar and getting sauce was amazing.

Russ falling for Julie after she shows up outta nowhere. Love it.

The One with the Lesbian Wedding
Whoa, Ross is so shitty.

Joey's days of our lives is cool.

Oh Phoebe, you've gotten possessed.

Rachel's mom gets a standing ovation/ clap entrance??
"unattractive nude man"

"Lesbian wedding… chicken breasts!" - Monica moving up the rankings.

Get some, Mr. Adelman.

"I'm sorry, but the pigs don't want to get in the blankets"
Monica is so terrifying and I love her.

The One After the Super Bowl
Uhhhgghh drop the stupid monkey please.

Yes, the scary slow motion Russ robot move lives on.

Also they did another big applause introduction, this time for Brooke Shields!!

The water throwing gag is aces.

Part 2
Harry Elafonte

Is that Julia Roberts?

"Did you see Timecop?!" Monica is challenging Phoebe for #1.

Ross is so sad with the monkey.

Julia Roberts is making this R-rated, oh geez
Drew Barrymore has some ground rules for a threesome

Classic stuff with the bathroom scene and the Rachel/Monica fights

The One with the Prom Video
Haha, Joey got a golden "to my best bud" bracelet for Chandler, oh my god. Joey movin' up the rankings now.

Who is this weird guy trying to hire Monica jeez?

Ross shirts so big.
I fucking hate Ross.

"That Stefi Graf has quite a tush"

Why is anyone on earth cheering for Ross and Rachel at this point?

Patrick Kerr as the restaurant manager

The One Where Ross and Rachel…. You Know


Rachel doesn't like subtitled movies.
This episode is not really funny. Also I hate Ross/Rachel.

The One Where Joey Moves Out
Monica>Phoebe >>> Joey>Chandler>Rachel >>>>>Ross

The One Where Eddie Moves In
It's a big deal for Joey to have a toilet phone.


Eddie is Adam Goldberg, holy shit!!!
This whole music video. Oh god. Robin Sparkles.

This "All By Myself" montage is an all-timer.

The One Where Dr. Ramore Dies
Eddie is crazy.

Brian Posehn!

The One When Eddie Won't Go
Rachel knows The Hobbit.

This crazy feminist wind-taker and lightning-bearers thing book is amazing.

"How do you expect me to Go if you don't let me Blow?!?!
  • You know I don't… have a problem…with that…"

Yay, they're back together. Bye Eddie.
The fake dog thing….Scrubs.

The One Where Old Yeller Dies
Poor Phoebe.
"It's a Wonderful Life" for Phoebe

Ross' stupid overplanning, he's the worst.
The guys emulating Magnum PI is pretty great.

Depressed Phoebe is really great.
Also I love that they're still riffing on TV watching sometimes.

The One With the Bullies
Is one of the bullies Nicky Katt?
They're finally addressing the seats issue.

Whoa, Phoebe meeting her half-brother is pretty sweet (Giovanni Ribisi!)
Chandler is not the most graceful.

Oh god the payoff with the new Monica diner job.

The One With The Two Parties
Yes, this is classic sitcom!!!!

Whoa, Chandler just raped a girl?


Aww, yay, Chandler is helping Rachel, they're Friends.
He even got a slowed down instrumental theme played for it!!!

The One with the Chicken Pox

The One With Mindy and Barry's Wedding
What does Warren Beatty know about kissing?

Chandler got called a geek for talking to a girl on the internet.

"hh" means we're holding hands online.
Phoebe just invented catfishing.

Noooooo magnum PI noooooooooooo.
It's a big twisty / changing season finale I suppose.


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Star Trek IV and Star Trek V

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986
The best full-length feature film adaptation of “Whale Wars” I’ve ever seen.
I watched this years ago, before I had seen almost any Star Trek. I hated it. I thought the tone was completely stupid, I had no clue really what was going on plot-wise (or with Spock for that matter), and I was annoyed that the Star Trek movie was only in 1980s San Francisco.
BUT, today, with the context of the first three movies, this is hilarious, and it’s actually a really fun buddy/fish-out-of-water caper movie. It’s great to see Kirk and Spock becoming friends again. The rest of the crew gets their own great moments in the plot as well.
Now, this is the part where I list all the great one liners.
Remember where we parked.
Well, double dumbass on you!
They’re still using money.
The hell they did!
Riches beyond all avarice.
Admiral, thar be whales here!
I can’t wait for us to get some of that transparent aluminum.
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989
It’s not a good sign when the movie opens up with a 50+ year old guy climbing the sheer face of a huge rock formation. This sort of thing seemed gratuitous in Tom Cruise’s MI:2, when he was undeniably a sex symbol and in his prime. Here, it just comes off as vanity. A lot of these movies are about the original crew accepting and facing their age and mortality, but this just felt tone-deaf. All the action comes off pretty flat and boring, and nothing looks half as good as the space action in the first three movies.
That’s not to say everything is bad. This is still a pretty decent movie. It just stands out as a cut below the rest of the original cast movies. Shatner does have an eye for the wondrous scenes and images of the movie. As Spock’s half-brother guides them beyond the center of the galaxy to parts and beings unknown, he is able to show a great sense of wonder and excitement. The climactic showdown with “God” is classic Star Trek stuff, with the iconic line “Why does God need a starship?” earning its status. It’s not so bad that this is often the only thing remembered about this movie. “It’s a SONG, you green-blooded Vulcan!” deserves a place right next to it. The camping sequence is pretty good silly fun, much like The Voyage Home, but it’s too little too early.
I’m not a fan of the “odd movies bad / even movies good” Star Trek movie crap, but this is a mess. Shatner makes this way more of a vanity project than Nimoy’s prior movie. Lots of scenes and sequences just fall completely flat. And the action stuff looks flatter than any Trek movie to date. A couple good moments stand out, but this is unfortunately the most forgettable Trek movie.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mini Movie Reviews

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby 2006

Unfortunately, this is mostly a loose collection of catchphrases that hasn't aged well.

There's a little bit of clever satire about NASCAR and the South mixed in there, but it's really not enough. Also, a LOT of great people in really light roles throughout this. It really didn't help that much that I accidentally watched the extended/unrated cut. These are almost never better, and this one was no exception.

Dazed and Confused 1993

A love letter and mixtape to the 1970s with all of the future stars of the 1990s.

Only really lags when it tries to focus too neatly on a single character (usually London's tiny quarterback).

Made me miss living in Austin for the first time in a while.

The Interview 2014

The Interview hangs its big comic set pieces on a pretty standard buddy adventure script. More of them hit than miss, though, and Randall Park does a pretty good job with a kind of tricky part. This falls right in line with the last few action-comedies from this crew, dating back to Pineapple Express. For being a notorious "outlaw" film, the comedy steers closer to mainstream studio running gags a little more than the last couple.

Definitely is not worth the hype or international incident. But is mostly a fun flick.

Step Up All In 2014

I really liked this, and loved the "twist" ending/message. These movies have a soft spot in my heart next to Final Destination series, with different reasons.

But after 90 minutes and the Step Up All Stars, this movie couldn't top the "evil" dance crew's first dance in the bar. Also the subplot with the "big move" reminded me of Blades of Glory in a bad way and didn't deliver.

That being said, I still loved it.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The One Where Joe Watches Friends Season 1

Before 1/1/15, I had never seen more than 5 minutes of Friends. I never watched Primetime TV, my main exposure was the 4pm-6pm syndicated block. Friends aired directly opposite Seinfeld and The Simpsons, and my loyalties were steadfast. Now that it's on Netflix, I'm fixing that, and loving every minute of it! Below are my hastily scribbled notes from every single episode (bar one I guess I really had nothing to say), just slightly edited for coherence. 

Also, for some reason, I'm keeping a Friends Power Ranking going- I'll do that before the notes. The > means "greater than", and if there are more than one, that means a larger gap. 

After the first couple episodes:

Halfway through the season:

End of Season 1:

The One Where Monica Gets a Roommate (Pilot)
These assholes just sit at this coffee shop all day?

Everybody looks like really weird alien versions of themselves
Whoa, so that's how Ross and Rachel meet
Mello Yello
These are some outfits. Speed Racer

The One With The Sonogram At The End
Okay, the opening is a million times more bearable when it has actual parts from the show and not just the scary umbrellas and dancing
Ross is a museum man?

"this is the Three's Company where there's a misunderstanding"
-"Oh I've seen it" *turns off*

Our little harMonica - THE GREAT ELLIOT GOULD

The One With The Thumb
Friends gettin' grim
Chandler is a jerk and smoking and it's gross

I like Chandler and Joey being friends (hhaahahah)

Monica's dating a college professor?!

Ewww, he's smoking at work…. Where his cubicle has its own no smoking sign…
Holy crap, this is that episode that How I Met Your Mother stole
I really like when they watch TV and make fun of it, like in Beavis and Butthead

The One With George Stephanopoulos
Who the fuck is George Stephenopolis.
It's less than 100 steps from Chandler/Joey's place to Central Perk
I think this is the first time they broke along gender lines
Couldn't happen today with the protective netting!!!
George Snuffleupagus

"I thought you were great in Silence of the Lambs"

Did not actually feature George Stephanopoulos

The One with the East African Laundry Detergent
Another cold open with more battle of the sexes

"I don't know if it's me or his hunger strike"

Lmao, Chandler has Rocky and Bulwinkle socks now, oh my god. Mix and match?!
Rachel's never done laundry

The One With the Butt
Monica is a control freak

"You finally made your crack in, gonna invite us to the big opening?"

Chandler has a "It's a Wonderful Life" poster in his bedroom

"I got the part, I'm gonna be Joey Tribbiani's ass!"

The One with the Blackout
Phoebe Boo-feh??
Lmao joey with a menorah.
Ugly naked guy needs a spinoff, I wonder if they ever see him. Maybe it's Brad Pitt.

(Wildest places ever had sex)
Monica: a pool table I think
Joey: Library women's room
Phoebe: Milwaukee
Ross: It's a small world after all
Rachel: Foot of the bed

Uh oh Joey just said "the Friend Zone"
And he knows about Ross wanting Rachel

"I can't tell you, because of… the reason!"

Monica had a crush on Joey??!?!?!

Bob Buttons the cat
Larry Hankin as "the weird man"

The One Where Nana Dies Twice
Chandler's reaction to "he's a he?" and his little dance was some A+ physical comedy

"you have a quality"
"This almost never happens!"
They're making fun of the idea of homosexual hair

Aw. Phoebe's mom died :(
Phoebe is the best
Young Elliot Gould looks like old Damian Lewis
Ross is in peak physical comedy

The One Where Underdog Gets Away
Blossom joke
Chandler hates Thanksgiving because his parents divorced
Joey is just eating marshmallows
Give Courtney Cox the Emmy

"Ugly Naked Guy's taking his turkey out of the oven"
"What did you wish for?
-The bigger half"

Chandler saved Thanksgiving!!!!
Lmao at the gag ripping off the ads underneath Joey's STD. Hemorrhoids, etc, ending in Winner of 3 Tony Awards.

The One with the Monkey
He just straight up has a monkey out the gate.
Now Phoebe's mom's suicide, oh geeeez.
Oh no, Fun Bobby isn't Fun, his dad died.

The One With Mrs. Bing
Monica just killed a guy.
This explains a lot about Chandler that his mom is a sexpot.

"I'm a fabulous mom, I bought my son his first condoms"

The foreign boyfriend storyline is SO FUCKING copied in HIMYM.

Joey: "I'll just pee in the street"

I love this extended riff on the raquetball.

"you don't have to be awake to be my man"

The One With a Dozen Lasagnas
Friends it's too early for you to be self-aware of being a great sitcom.

Too cold Joey.
And it was Odd Couple.

"I'm excited about being an aunt
--OR an Uncle…."

Joey owns
The anti-Paolo. The age of Ross.

The One With the Boobies
How can I not click next episode?!?!?

Chandler has intimacy issues… "when the laughter stops,".
Joey's dad owns

"I married a lesbian to make YOU look good"

Rodg has a chain wallet.
Awww dammit, the dating a psychiatrist storyline happened in HIMYM too.

Joey's good storyline with his parents was nice.
Funny closer with the circle of revenge.

The One With the Candy Hearts
Happy Valentine's Day

Written by Bill Lawrence
Janice is back!!!
Oh geez, Chandler is bankrupting Joey :(

"A picture of this guy naked
-- he's wearing a sweater
No, he's not."

Oh geez, Ross is hitting rock bottom

The One With the Stoned Guy
Holy shit Chandler quit his job when he was offered a promotion
It's me

The I don't have a dream speech.

Oh geez I don't want to hear Ross talk dirty.
I'm laughing so hard at the Ross+Joey dirty talk with Chandler walking in.
He's being tempted to come back to the dark side!!!

Jon Lovitz walked in and everyone cheered wildly, what alternate universe are we living in

"Steve blazed up a doobie"
"I'm looking at the Weenis and I'm not happy!"

Special Appearance by Jon Lovitz, wheeeee.

The One With Two Parts!!!
NEW INTRO AHHHHHHH this is disorienting

"My monkey is out of control"

Weenis jokes still goin strong

"Urkel in Spanish is still Urkel"

Now Helen Hunt just walked in and everyone started cheering? I think it's Helen Hunt?
What, George Clooney and the ER guy?!

Eliot Gould is back, FUCK YEAH.

I really like when Rachel and Monica do impersonations of each other.

The One With all the Poker
They're being mean to Joey for crying

Uh oh, time for a battle of the sexes.
Aunt Iris is crazy and awesome.
I like that they play for keeps.


Rachel keeps string betting.
Uggghhhh Ross threw it.

The One Where the Monkey Gets Away

The One with the Evil Orthodontist
Ugly naked guy got gravity boots.

The One With the Fake Monica
Let's just say my curious george doll is no longer curious.

"Joey makes me feel like I'm this big" - Joey, same.

Aw the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil pose.

"How do you get popes in a volkwagon,
- make them take off their hats."
"Do you know there is already a Joseph Stalin?"

Phoebe's playing a game boy!!!!
Sorry Friends, good riddance to the monkey.

The One With the Ick Factor
Chandler getting dogpiled is awesome.

Pheobe/Chandler one true pairing.

"I just had sex with someone who wasn't alive for the bicentennial"
"You shouldn't even be here, it's a school night"

The One with the Birth

I'm not buying the sentimentality of this mostly since Ross sucks, also didn't care about the monkey.

WHOA THE PREGNANT LADY was Leah Remini from King of Queens

The One Where Rachel Finds Out
Season Finale!!!

"Making money hand over fist!!" Oh Phoebe

Yes, Ross is going to China.
Their hair has gotten under control .

"how can she do that, when she's never shown any interest in you?!"

Oh my gosh Joey got Rachel "Oh the places you'll go!" for her birthday.

"I don't think any of our lives are going to be the same again"

Aaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuugggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh Rachel is rushing to meet him at the airport.

Joey has a Scarface poster.
"It was like a ticker tape parade"

Jennifer Aniston is wearing an ass cape around a skirt?!

What are the chances that same couple is on the same flight back?